Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Chosen One

To apply for a full time teaching position, one must put a stack of about twenty papers together...resume, cover letter, recommendations, and even those certificates from workshops and training attended. Knowing the odds of getting hired, what? 30:1, 50:1 or it must be safe to apply everywhere.

Nearly 6 years ago, when life became so tough for me. I decided to try my luck abroad, so I quit my teaching job at a local school. Not knowing that things would not come out as easy, especially when getting  a job offer. It was a long agonizing time of waiting, at the same time, thinking if we still have money to pay for apartment rent, and to pay for our visa application. My anxiety and worries reached to almost breaking point, but yet,  I received a call from the agency that I got job offer from a school in South Carolina!

Nothing new. Life must be going around in circles. However, it is from these series of experiences that I started to grow. It looks like it is going back and forth but if I look closely at how I lived my life in those times, there are messages that I need to know. During down times, my wife and I used to retrospect to see how how our lives have been. Weighing the good things that life brings versus the bad ones and we realized that more good things took place and that we are thankful for. We are also thankful for every failures we made, because we learned from it and will thrive not to do it again. While oftentimes when something went wrong, we used to say we can never be good at anything. Or life is just a failure. But we failed to acknowledge those moments in our life that we soar and we became accomplished, big time or small time.

Yes, it is very agonizing to hear good news and bad news. But I thank God, for the gift of patience and for bestowing on me the gumption to take chances.

For many are invited, but few are chosen. - Matthew 22:14.

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