Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Christmas Lantern

Photo credit: Noel Y.C

I admit, with a lot of things going on with our life right now, I already taken out of plan to put our Christmas tree and Christmas lights and other ornaments. I just thought, "then, I have to take these down after a month.." I am totally lost. I forgot that putting up the decorations isn't a show but a celebration. A christian celebration of thanksgiving, love and sharing. So there is more to say than just seeing the Christmas tree and colorful lights during christmas.

The Parol vendor

Back in the days, as early as September, all local stores are already filled with Christmas decorations. One of the things we do in our household is to make our native Christmas decorations from materials and scraps that we could recycle inside the house. I love how we do our Christmas Tree from plastic bags or dried tree branch from a tree we call "Pobreng Kahoy". 

Yes, the Parol is a reminder of the simplicity of life way back the early Filipino christians who use this lantern to light their ways to attend the dawn mass we called "Misa de Gallo" or "Aguinaldo Mass".  Simple and yet it brings back the true meaning of the season.

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