Friday, January 11, 2013

School Shootings, Is there an End?

"I don't want to shoot you," he told the popular teacher, who was trying to coax the teen into giving up the shotgun he still held. - From Yahoo! News, January 11, 2012 about new school shooting in California, this is nearly 3 weeks after the mass school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

Photo credit: Yahoo! News showing paramedics transporting a wounded student from a shooting inside San Joaquin Valley H.S. , Taft, California.

I cannot imagine myself being Mr. Heber, who stood and try to convince a student shooter to give up his gun. But then again, as a teacher, there is a moral obligation that we need to do in this kind of situation and that is to provide safety to the children in school aside from the job of teaching the standards to them. I could have probably did the same thing, or I might not. I don't know.

It has been a series of incidents of school shootings, and I just thought that school administrators need to brainstorm on what other certain things they can do apart from doing lock down drills to protect the children. I am absolutely not into giving guns to teachers. It is just not a good idea and I don't want to bring a gun when going to school. Schools should be a safe environment for children and teachers and not a place of fear, or terror, or harm.

What are other things that can be done? Do we need to wait for the lawmakers to come up on something? But how long? Or do we need to wait for another massacre to happen before they can come up on something? Or maybe the question is, which school in the country will have a shooting next?

 I am worried about the safety of my children and my friend's children who attend school. When is this going to end?

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